May 04, 2024

Begin your wellness journey

Each new year brings a sense of new beginnings and the opportunity for a fresh start. Many people take this opportunity to set health and wellness goals. Hy-Vee dietitians offer Begin, a healthy lifestyle and weight management program for groups and individuals. This program emphasizes eating for good health, weight loss and being physically active. Begin is not a “diet” — Begin is a plan to help with lifelong wellness.

A variety of health and wellness concepts are covered throughout the Begin sessions, and each week participants are able to build on the previous weeks’ topics. Group discussions, hands-on activities and store tours through the aisles enhance the session topics, which range from portion distortion to physical activity and disease prevention.

One concept that is emphasized throughout the program is the idea of eating regularly throughout the day. This includes healthful snacks between meals, which is a great way to increase nutrients that may be lacking in your diet along with helping control portion sizes and food selection at meals. Snacks such as Cuties clementines and Mighties kiwis contain fiber, potassium and vitamin C, along with many other nutrients.

The following tips may help you find success in your New Year’s resolutions this year:

1. Think SMART when setting your goals. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Be sure to set small, short-term goals along with your long-term goals to ensure continued success.

2. Don’t go at it alone. Choose a friend or a group who will provide support to help you achieve your goals. This group may include a spouse or significant other, close friends or coworkers, health and wellness professionals or online social groups.

3. Develop a schedule that works for you. Set aside time for meal planning and exercise to be sure they don’t get overlooked at the end of a busy day.

Newton Hy-Vee is offering the Begin Basics program this January. A free information session is at 6 p.m. Monday in the Newton Hy-Vee Club Room.

To register call 641-792-7030 or stop by customer service.