May 05, 2024

Vital funding needed for Iowa schools

Wes Breckenridge


Education is fundamental to the growth and development of our children and economy. As a parent and teacher, I recognize the importance of providing a quality education to our youth. We are fortunate to have passionate teachers and administrators throughout Jasper County and the state. Over the past month I met and with school administrators from every school district within Jasper County. During these discussions I learned about achievements obtained and challenges faced by our administrators and teachers.

Public schools are continually being asked to do more with less and our children are losing out. Quality programs are continuously cut due to funding shortages. It didn’t help when Gov. Branstad cut education funding by $56 million, a compromise that was negotiated by all parties. This vital funding would have helped make up for the reduction of State Supplemental Aid of only 1.25 percent.

In addition to funding shortfalls, administrators communicated that forced categorization of funds makes it challenging for schools to have the flexibility to meet the specific needs of their districts. One example is the Teacher Leadership and Compensation System (TLC). The Iowa General Assembly approved $50 million for the first year for this program, which will aid in attracting promising new teachers, retain effective teachers, promote collaboration and improve student achievement. While these TLC goals are definitely worthy of funding, it comes at a cost: the TLC supplants, not supplements, the funding administrators desperately need for continuation of other important school programs.

Today, public schools are asked to provide expensive services that they were not 30 years ago. Schools have stepped up and are providing outstanding education for those suffering from learning disabilities, mental illness and behavioral issues. I am proud of the job our schools are doing and excited we have such professional and talented educators. Every child has the right to a quality education and deserves every opportunity to be successful. Our teachers and administrators continue to work diligently even during these challenging times. We cannot continue to reduce funding and maintain the same expectations. Instead of reducing funds and implementing mandates that force cuts to vital programs, let’s increase school funding and give our teachers and administrators the flexibility to address their specific needs.

As a candidate for the Iowa House, I would enjoy further conversations about this issue. Our children are the future leaders and deserve our full investment. Let’s make them a top priority!