May 01, 2024

Two Davids Concert to honor 100-year-old Steinway piano

David Liljedahl and David Piersel team up at one piano to perform a variety of four-hand interpretations in celebration of the 100th birthday of the recently refurbished Steinway piano at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Newton United Presbyterian Church, 209 N. Second Ave. E.

These performers are very gifted musicians who have performed on Iowa Public Television, in Salisbury House and many other Des Moines area locations. The program will include, among others, “Allegro” from Bach’s “Sonata in B flat,” “Malaguena” and Cole Porter’s “Night and Day.”

A registered piano technician, Liljedahl has performed with the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus, Holiday on Ice and at the Des Moines Playhouse. He has worked with many fine pianists, including Roger Williams, Emmanuel Axe and Victor Borge. He has also taught percussion at Simpson College, directed high school bands and is currently the director of the Greater Des Moines Community Band.

A professor emeritus of music at South Dakota State University, Piersel served as director of keyboard studies for 22 years. Before that position, he held a similar position at Black Hills State University. During his tenure there he had many keyboard performances in the United States and in Europe. During retirement he remains very active as a performer and adjudicator.

There will be no charge for admission, but a freewill offering will be accepted. You are invited to have a free piece of birthday cake after the concert.