May 08, 2024

A lot of work for a lot of laughs

My husband has a lot of friends; some I like more than others. He has one friend in particular who swings back and forth from a great guy to super annoying and a pain in my side.

I’m not exactly sure how they became friends — maybe through another friend — but he has stuck around and I think he sees my husband as almost an older brother. He calls to ask his opinion about pretty much everything, from what truck to buy to if he should get married.

He is also a frequent texter who doesn’t always take a second look at what he is sending. We have had some pretty good laughs over the auto-correct changes that made his texts pretty comical or spent way too much time trying to figure out what he was actually trying to say.

This past weekend was definitely a memorable encounter. Saturday night my husband’s phone kept ringing and beeping and basically blowing up with his friend trying to get a hold of him. We were having a night in, and he didn’t want to chat about anything with his friend that night.

Pretty soon, he gets a text that he needs him. Curious and a little concerned, my husband texts him back asking if he is OK and what is happening. His answer produced an immediate laugh-out-loud moment and made me just shake my head a little.

He was freaking out and calling non-stop because there was a bat in his house. Now, bats aren’t my favorite animal in the world, and since moving to a house with a ton of pine trees, we now have our fair share flying around once the sun sets. But I have had to deal with them before when working at the pool where their favorite hide out was under the stairs.

By the time my husband responded, it was pretty late into the evening, but that didn’t stop his friend from wanting him to come over and get the bat out. I just laughed at the thought of a grown man calling his friend who lives in a neighboring town to come and take care of the bat in his house.

My husband told him to find the bat, get a broom and shoo it out of the house. Then, in a brilliant move that I wish I had thought of, my husband starting texting his friend as me, saying that he had fallen asleep. That put the issue to bed for the night.

The next morning, we found out that he had left the house and stayed with his parents to avoid the bat. It apparently had left the house sometime in the night, because he couldn’t find any signs of it the next day.

This is just one of many amazing stories with my husband’s friend, so even if he can drive me up the wall sometimes, at least he can also give me a laugh, too.

Contact Jamee A. Pierson
at 641-792-3121 ext. 6534