May 05, 2024

First Christian Church invites families to VBS begins Monday

A summer Bible school event called “Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid” will be hosted at First Christian Church in Newton nightly from 5:15 to 7:30 p.m. starting Monday and ending Thursday.

Children step back in time at Hometown Nazareth, exploring what it was like to live in the town where Jesus grew up.

Kids participate in a memorable Bible-times market place, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, dig into Bible-time snacks, visit Jesus’ mom, Mary and collect Bible memory makers to remind them of God’s word.

Plus everyone learns to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings.

Each day concludes at Celebration — a time of upbeat worship that gets everyone involved.

Offering will be for local mission projects. Classes are for ages 3 through children going into sixth grade.

Adult Bible study will also be available. It is entitled “You Too Can Walk in Water.”