May 05, 2024

Home again and again

For the second time this year I have moved back in with my parents. As of this Friday, I will officially be without my own home for a week and a half. On top of all that, the following weekend I go on a mini-vacation to my friend’s wedding in Chattanooga, Tenn. July is working out to be an extremely busy and crazy month.

Following a hectic Fourth of July full of parades, playing, swimming and fireworks, we buckled down and finished moving everything — and I mean everything — out of our house and into my parents’ basement, garage and anywhere else we could find. The next few days will be spent cleaning and making the house presentable for the new owner. I hope she loves it as much as we did.

After the final papers are signed and my mortgage is paid off (for a couple weeks anyway), we will hang out with my parents, and my girls couldn’t be more excited. Right now the pool is up and the first thing I hear when I walk in the door after work is, “Can we go to Grandee and Grandpa’s to swim?” They love hanging out at their house, and what feels like an endless sleepover to them is the best thing in the world.

From Friday through Monday, my husband and I will head to Tennessee for a much needed vacation. A high school friend is getting married and along with most of my other high school friends, we are heading out to celebrate with her.

The trip was planned well before we even decided to look at our future house and when dates started to land on paper, our trip was right in the middle of the move. I think it will be a nice break for my parents with us out of town, and the girls staying with their other grandparents and my sister for a night. Then, two days after we get home, the big day will be here, signing the papers and getting the house we have been dreaming of for a year (or maybe a little longer for me).

Moving, unpacking and painting will become life for the following days and maybe weeks after we take possession of the house. I have to say, I am so excited to be moving to this property and having space to move and grow. It is the space that I picture my girls bringing their friends to for sleepovers and having friends and family over for occasions or just dinner. It is a big beginning but one that I can’t wait for.

Contact Jamee A. Pierson at
641-792-3121 ext. 6534 or