May 05, 2024

Good grilling

Start up the grill and get out of the kitchen this Fourth of July. Though this Saturday marks a national holiday, healthy eating does not have to take the day off or be gone on vacation.

Holidays, birthday parties and other special occasions are just a part of life, and there are many options on how we can enjoy these times more healthfully.

Grilling adds flavor without added fat. That makes it easier to cook healthy food the entire family will enjoy. So, go ahead and grill those burgers this Fourth of July, but do consider some of the following easy and nutritious options:

• Try lean ground beef, turkey or chicken for your burgers. You might also consider veggie burgers made with chickpeas or pinto beans.

• Kids and adults alike love food on a stick. Try grilling marinated shrimp or chicken on skewers. Add peppers and grape tomatoes for extra fiber, sweetness and a few more vegetables in your diet.

• Prepare a veggie plate very quickly with grilled squash, peppers, carrots or cauliflower. Just brush lightly with olive oil and your favorite seasoning before grilling.

• Substitute whole grain pasta for regular in your favorite pasta salad and add broccoli and colorful peppers for good taste and color.

• Trade traditional mayonnaise-based coleslaw for a fresh carrot salad dressed with plain Greek yogurt, raisins and chopped apples.

• Grill fresh pineapple or peach halves until their natural sugars caramelize. Add to the dessert bar with lite vanilla yogurt, nuts and fresh cherries for the top.

Involve your children in the preparation of your meal this holiday weekend. Exposing children to healthy eating and cooking early in life is essential. Children as young as 2 years old can help you stir and add ingredients to the bowl. Here are some additional ways you can involve your kids in food preparation:

Wash — Let your children rinse and dry a bunch of grapes or berries for a fruit salad. They can also help rinse off other fruits and vegetables.

Stir — Let them mix pre-measured spices, herbs and lemon juice to create a yummy yogurt dip or sauce for vegetables or fruits.

Assemble — Organize the ingredients needed to prepare foil packets of potatoes, peppers, onions and seasonings just ready for grilling. Or choose your own combination of vegetables to include. Create an “assembly line” for kids to help make their own packet for grilling.

Chop — Older children can help chop vegetables and fruit, skewer chunks of vegetables and fruit for grilling and assist with other dishes by following recipes.

Getting the whole family involved in helping with healthy food preparation this holiday weekend may turn into a fun experience and may just become the norm for all your summer barbecues. It might even become the norm year-round.