May 04, 2024

Standing up for our police officers

Christine Pauley


Responding to "Double standard in officers' deaths," I have additional concerns and complaints. Why don't we stand up for all law officers, store owners, etc. who are abused.
I, too, believe it is a double standard when people fail to protest injustice of any kind. I would not dishonor all the honest hard-working law officers across the country who put their lives on the line daily for average citizens and even law breakers and criminals by wanting the kind of disgraceful looting, etc. shown in many recent cases. These were not demonstrations or protests; they were crimes that the media encourages and we allow.

I would hope for people to stand up and be counted, outraged that lives are taken unnecessarily. I personally want to know why law officers have to be on pins and needles to the point that they have be careful to protect me from others. Why are officers always painted as evil and law breakers and criminals all painted as good? Neither is true, there are some evil officers and some good criminals, but on the whole law officers are out to help and criminals are out to get.

I believe that if I am stopped by an officer and even arrested and I would be innocent of a crime (well-except maybe speeding) that I would quietly go with the officer and straighten it out, which means that if I am innocent it will be proven and if I am not, the law process would prevail. If I was mistreated I would pursue the law to correct the problem, but I believe that if I go along with the process I will not be mistreated and I am Native American, a person of color. Thirty years ago this would not be true. Why are we trying to reverse what we have gained? Why do we not strengthen the justice system and make sure law officers remember what they are about and punish criminals?

My outrage is perhaps against myself. Why haven’t I stood up for the people who protect me every day? Many times I have stopped a law officer and asked for accompaniment in a tricky situation, for advice and for help? I have lived many places and I have never have had one mistreat me. Do we want to keep giving our children and grandchildren excuses to do wrong? Do we really want a country without law enforcement?