May 05, 2024

In her shoes

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live a day in your mom’s shoes?

Admittedly, the question never crossed my mind until I was flipping around and stopped on the movie “Freaky Friday.” I have seen the movie many times before — both versions. However, I never took the time to reflect what the body switch scenario would be like for me.

I have a fairly decent understanding of what my mom experiences every day — she’s been a teacher for nearly 40 years, so she has her routine down to a science. She has taught several different age levels and subjects in that time; but for the last 10 years, she has settled in as a junior high and high school mathematics teacher. She doesn’t complain much about the students she teaches; she’s a professional after all. More often than not, she tells stories that show obvious pride for her pupils or some humorous tales about the silly ideas some of them come up with in an attempt to bend her rules. Adolescent boys in math class are a great place to find humor — the way mom tells the stories anyway.

She works hard to be sure her students receive a quality education. I have heard more times than I can count former students telling me how much they loved having mom as a teacher and a coach. I had the honor to call her teacher and coach; but most importantly, I get to call her mom. I had the privilege to see her hard work and dedication not only in the classroom but at home as well.

For as long as I can remember, she was the first one up in the house and the last to sit down to rest for the evening. We all did our part, but it seemed like mom always did one more thing before calling it a night. She’s not perfect (sorry, mom). Honestly, I wouldn’t want her to be. I learned more from the imperfections anyway. I can turn to her at all times, happy and sad, and she will be there for me.

Every kid should be able to say, “My mom is the best mom ever.” When I say it, I really mean it. I wouldn’t trade her for anyone else.

All she did for the three of us wouldn’t have been possible if she hadn’t had such a great role model in her own mother. Grandma Bushong has been the cornerstone of our family for as long as I can remember. She raised six great kids, working hard to create a home for them as my mom has done for me and my siblings. I have grandma to thank for so much. I often say grandma’s house is my favorite place in the world. It’s easy to say because of all the memories I created there.

As Mother’s Day approaches, I want to show my gratitude to my mom and grandma. I would do anything for them. These hard working ladies have taught me no other way.

So, if somehow I find myself making a wish to switch places or share a magical fortune cookie, I would have very big shoes to fill. I’m sure I wouldn’t last the day without wishing to switch back. My mother on the other hand, would make it look easy. She’s a mom — that’s her superpower.

Contact Pam Rodgers at
641-792-3121 ext. 6531