May 02, 2024

Being selfish in sports is what I want, but know it is not what’s good

The Pressbox

Family and sports have been connected for me most of my life. Wrestling was the main sport in the Sheets family and our extended family.

My parents coached wrestling, softball and baseball over the years as my three brothers, my sister and I grew up. My brothers competed in football, basketball and track along with wrestling in the 1970s. My sister competed in volleyball in the 1980s. Me? I spent a month on the first-year high school volleyball team, competed in high school track and played summer softball.

In most families, there are those children who are really athletic and we so enjoy watching them compete.

A couple of weeks ago I made a quick weekend trip back to Kansas. Sitting in a Kansas City restaurant, I visited with my nephew Stephen.

“I really enjoyed watching you wrestle,” I said to him.

He spent two years playing junior college football. Now, he is just a student at Northwest Missouri State in Maryville, Mo. But I do miss him competing. I loved to see him work hard and do well in athletics.

It was a selfish thing for me to say. Stephen just smiled and said thank you.

I loved watching my brothers and sister compete. I took joy in being able to capture the feats of my nephew Zac, my niece Shantel and Stephen in photographs.

Stephen competed for a high school I covered in my previous job. I didn’t miss many of his activities throughout his youth. I was even able to see him play in a few of his college football games.

All three have moved on from athletics.

As family, we have to allow the youngsters to go at their pace and play their game. Let them enjoy their athletic career without pressuring them.

Encouragement is great. So many times over the years of covering sports at many different levels, I would cringe hearing parents and others yelling not cheering for youngsters.

Fans get carried away. So, do I as a fan.

Enjoy watching and encourage your youngsters to do their best. They’ll enjoy it more and so will you.