May 02, 2024

Time to spring clean those eating habits

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Spring is here. What better time to hit the “reset” button and reintroduce some fresh foods into your diet after a long Iowa winter.


Yogurt, a food rich in calcium, is important for building strong bones and teeth. And, having eight grams of protein per 6-ounce container makes it a great source of protein as well.

Greek yogurt has up to twice that much protein, but it provides less calcium.

Yogurt is also a good source of pro-biotic bacteria, which can help promote a good digestive system and healthy immune function.

Yogurt parfaits using layers of yogurt, cereal and fruit are one way to add more yogurt to your diet.

Smoothies made with yogurt and fruit are another easy way.

If you are adventurous, you might try topping your pancakes or waffles with yogurt instead of syrup.


Fresh strawberries are a seasonal favorite, as they are loaded with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

A one-cup serving provides more than a day’s worth of vitamin C as well as a healthy amount of manganese, which is also important for bone development.

One serving of strawberries also adds 3 grams of fiber.


Spinach has been called a super-food and for good reason.

First off, it is packed with vitamin A and C, which are necessary for eye health, immune system function and many other body processes.

Second, vitamin K, is also abundant in spinach and helps build strong bones.

Spinach also contains folate and iron, which help prevent anemia. The magnesium and potassium found in spinach are important for muscle development and growth.

Try incorporating more spinach in your diet by serving spinach salads or adding it to smoothies. Sautéed spinach mixes well with meat or fish.

The mild flavor of spinach is easily masked, so “secretly” adding pureed spinach to sauces, soups and meatballs/meatloaf significantly boosts the nutritional value of the food.


Asparagus is an excellent source of vitamin K and folate. It also provides vitamin A and iron.

Asparagus spears are available in green, purple and white varieties.

Try this easy kid-friendly recipe idea for asparagus: Roll asparagus in egg and then Panko crumbs. Bake on a cookie sheet. Add Parmesan cheese to the Panko crumbs for a cheesy variation. Serve with Teriyaki or tomato sauce for dipping. Low fat ranch dressing is also an option.

This recipe idea also works well with broccoli.

Spring-cleaning never “tasted” so good. Happy cleaning.