May 01, 2024

Shopping with kids (and staying sane)

Shopping with kids can be challenging when they are behaving and impossible when they are being difficult. I have taken my girls to shops, big box stores and the malls since they were a week old (I wasn’t very good at sitting home during maternity leave). For the most part, we manage with only a few tantrums that don’t cause too much of a commotion. On occasion, we have to leave the store, and once in a blue moon we have a glorious shopping trip with two perfect angels.

Taking one of the girls is no problem, most of the time. I often take my oldest because she listens quite a bit better and actually seems to enjoy shopping. She also seems to benefit more from the one-on-one time while my youngest is really good at entertaining herself.

On the occasion that both of the girls are heading out with me, I try to pack several distractions in case sitting in the cart gets boring and running up and down the aisles seems more appealing. If we go to Target, we of course have to walk by the $1 area, which usually has several cheap toy options that can get me through the store. We have quite the collection of squishy lizards, frogs and balls the girls love, especially when they also light up. If $2 is what I have to pay to get my shopping done in a timely manner, I’ll pay it every time.

If the toys fail, I always have the iPods as backup. With dozens and dozens of apps available, I hope they can stay busy and not get too frustrated while playing. Usually we do pretty well, except when they want to watch a video and no WiFi is available. Oh, the world that my children live in.

Another trick up my sleeve is candy. Neither of my girls seem to have gotten a sweet tooth, so I have to be very specific in what I bring along. When they were little, fruit snacks were the golden ticket. Now, a small supply of suckers and smarties do the trick. My oldest’s current favorite are ring pops, a personal favorite of mine as well.

When things are going pretty rough, we tend to open up things before we buy them, paying for them at checkout. Chips, juice, cookies and even bananas have been opened and consumed while trying to get shopping done. I am very thankful the employees are always very accommodating and understanding. The look on my face probably explains why we are in that situation anyway.

I really want my girls to be used to being in public, eating at restaurants and behaving in those situations. For the most part, they do a great job and leave this mommy pretty proud. Sometimes, I have to realize they are 2 and 3 and aren’t interested in fabric, unless it has “Frozen” characters on it.

Contact Jamee A. Pierson at
641-792-3121 ext. 6534