May 03, 2024

School district should go big or not bother

Scott Pline


I have lived in this community since 1985. During that time there has been a cyclical news story about the schools — add on, remodel, close, redistrict. Sure we have to change with the times, but what I am not hearing about is a cohesive vision for the future.

What happened to looking more than five to 10 years in the future? Where is the vision for the Newton Community School District? I would like to challenge our school administrators and elected school board officials to create a vision, not just for today or next week, but how about 30 years down the road for my grandkids.

Let’s face the facts; the infrastructure of the schools isn’t getting any younger. Some buildings have serious challenges even with the extensive renovation that have already taken place. As the saying goes, you can put lipstick on a pig, but at the end of the day, it’s still a pig. Thirty years from now will kids still be attending Woodrow Wilson? Yes, the kids get a great education; it’s the staff, not the building. But why do we keep putting money into fixing up old and obviously outdated facilities? We have done that, only to be approached in another few years for “lipstick for the same pigs.”

I would find it a bitter pill to swallow to support a bond issue or any financing option that “lipsticks” the situation. Let’s go big! Build a new fifth through eighth grade center. How about a brand new pre-K through first and second through fourth grade center to boot! Go mega! Combine the two into one facility with different entrances for the different grades! Think of the possibilities; educational teams preserved and enhanced; further collaboration at all staff levels; resources saved in duplication of services/jobs and redirection of those resources into teaching staff; energy efficient buildings and state-of-the-art mechanical, computer and communications infrastructure across all grade levels.

Like most people I want to know that I am getting value for the tax I pay for schools. Let’s get this decision right. Look forward and establish a vision, build for the long hall, don’t get caught in the “preserve the past” mindset and stop putting “lipstick on our pigs.” I don’t have all or even any of the answers, just lots of questions. But one thing I am sure of: If you do the same thing, the same way, you’re going to get the same result in the future.