May 02, 2024

Police academy enlightening, engaging

Christine Pauley


Too often we blame someone else when we do something wrong and we forget to compliment when they do something right. My husband and I have been privileged to be part of this year’s Newton’s Citizen’s Police Academy. We had anticipated it would be good, but it exceeded our expectations.

We’ve not only learned things we had not known before, but also were given an overview of what is done for our safety while we are just living our daily lives. The seminars were balanced well among facts, procedures, illustrations and a practical part. Since I read mysteries and watch police procedurals, I found this academy especially enlightening. I also learned that our police personnel have delightful senses of humor. The wide age range of the participants from teens to those in their 70s added greatly to our experience. We actually experienced a hands-on time each session or watched others do so. We enjoyed a meal together each week, allowing us to come straight from work. Community was involved as many local food businesses supported the Academy.

It was an added privilege to get to meet some of our Newton police force and being pleasantly surprised at how good of instructors and presenters they are. It didn’t hurt that they were also personable. There are many nuts and bolts of police work that we seldom learn about, nor appreciate. I found it amazing to realize what goes on to keep us safe when we are just going about our daily activities.

Society is learning to appreciate our veterans more for all that they do in our name. I think it would be refreshing also to take time to personally thank our law enforcement, fire and rescue workers who trudge through countless paper work, petty complaints, yet in an instant protect us and our property, plus often saving our lives.

Many others in the past have attended the Citizen’s Police Academy and all I’ve met expressed how it was a powerful positive experience. It surprises me that there is not a waiting list already for next year’s academy. If you see or hear “Citizen’s Police Academy” know that it is a work of art in the making. It is well worth the 12-week commitment. Our deep thanks go to all those who put in extra time and energy to make this academy such a rewarding experience.