May 01, 2024

Older Adult Wellness

Holiday Health

The holidays can easily rush past in a blur, often leaving us exhausted at the beginning of a new year. Was it worth it at the end of all my preparation and stress? Did I really gain eight extra pounds? How did I catch this nagging cold? Did I go yet another year without meaningfully connecting with my loved ones?

When thinking in terms of healthy holidays, minds often jump to eating and exercise. Many get caught in the trap of denying all desserts and rising at the earliest hour to get in an extra calorie burn. But eating healthy and moving more are not the only ways to ensure holiday health.

Truly healthy holidays need to keep all aspects of well-being in balance. Reflect on these five areas and decide which aspect of your personal well-being can be a stronghold for you during the holiday season.


Relatives and friends travel many miles to reconnect during the holiday season. The stressors of traveling and being around people who aren't in your daily routine can be a dangerous combination. Take time to thank the people you love and be patient with the people around you. Slow down and focus on the quality of time you're spending with your loved ones.

Stress management

While eliminating all stress associated with holidays is virtually impossible, simply managing stress with the right outlook proves much more reasonable. Part of managing stress is being open and realistic about expectations with yourself and others. Avoid over-commitment and remember it is okay to modify traditions. Then stay organized with lists and timelines to hold yourself accountable.


Keep your body moving. Though the extra time away from work may tempt you to kick-back on the couch, staying active will benefit your physical and mental health. Moving more doesn’t mean three hours of exercise each day. Simply use daily tasks to add natural movement to your day. Whether vacuuming or taking a walk, use the movement to refresh your body, boost your energy, and focus your mind.


Holidays come with extravagant meals and decadent desserts. While it may be unreasonable to forgo all delicious food, keep your waistline in check by trying smaller portions. Scale back simply by using smaller plates and tall, narrow glasses. Also, try creating your favorite dessert in a mini-size.


Remember to connect to a cause outside of yourself over the holiday time. Whether you belong to a faith family or give back through volunteering, be part of something that gives you a sense of purpose. Take unexpected events in stride and keep the big picture in view through the hustle and bustle.

Whether you feel compelled to rekindle important relationships, or focus on eating wisely, be the champion of your well-being during the holiday season. Make this season memorable and maximize your holiday health this year. With stress minimalized, purpose recognized and the importance of relationships realized, this holiday season holds the potential to be the most joyous yet.