April 29, 2024

Club Notes

Chapter K-EN TTT

Chapter K-EN T.T.T. held the monthly meeting at the Congregational Church on Tuesday, Nov. 11. The group gathered at 2 p.m. to make the cheese balls for its annual fundraiser. Cheddar and swiss flavors are available for sale from any member of the group and will also be sold at the cheerleaders craft show on Nov. 22. Proceeds provide the funds to send local girls to camp next summer.

Following a soup supper provided by the members, a short business meeting was called to order by President Val McKee. Committee reports were given, including a plan to take the camp girls out for a holiday event soon. The budget for next year was approved and plans made for auditing the books. Jane Repp reported on the clothing needs that were purchased and delivered to the schools. Rose Evans discussed meeting and program plans for the next year.

The next meeting will be at the home of Kay Parsons on Dec. 9 for a Christmas dinner and gift exchange. Retiring officers were thanked for the last two years of service.

Olive Jane Lamb Questers

The Olive Jane Lamb Questers met at the home of Janie Hollander Nov. 13. President Linda Kirchhoff presided over the business meeting. A discussion was held on a project the group wished to support during the holidays. Also discussed was the group’s Christmas party in December.

Janie gave a very informative program on Barn Quilts which adorn barns and other buildings in 34 states. Currently Iowa has 43 counties which have quilt trails to visit. Donna Sue Groves in Adams County, Ohio had created the first barn quilt for her mother which sparked a grassroots folk art movement based on two rural American icons —barns and quilts. She had a hunch that quilt squares painted on the sides of barns throughout Adams County would provide work for local artists and attract tourists. A Quilt Barn Sampler committee was formed and established guidelines for the 8 foot by 8 foot painted wood squares called “Barn Quilts.”  Each community organized its own trail. Janie shared with the group a borrowed 2 foot by 2 foot colorful wooden barn quilt with a design painted on both sides that will be hung on a yard fence.

Refreshments were served by the hostess.