May 02, 2024

Differs with Kelley on the issues

Doug Cook

Dan Kelley, I’ve decided to support Patrick Payton for State Representative. I feel obligated to tell you openly for a few reasons. You’ve asked for my support with the hand written notes and mailings, we spoke briefly in person not too long ago, and when I wished you happy birthday on Facebook, your response included a request for my vote. I don’t feel right voting against you and allowing you to think otherwise.

Why? You are always polite and courteous. Nothing to do with that. How you vote on the issues is where we differ. When you voted against sportsmen on the dove hunting season, but consistently vote in favor of less restrictions on abortion. This confuses me. As if a dove is worth closely protecting, but an unborn child isn’t? I know many people have varying views, I myself struggle with the rationale behind that.

I also emailed you on two firearms rights issues, urging you to support them. The silencer bill, and the amendment to prohibit gun registration. The response you gave was roughly “I support 2nd amendment rights, Dan Kelley.” Which to me wasn’t a direct answer, but insinuated you agreed with my position. Then you voted against them.

I don’t expect you to agree with all of your constituents all of the time, but I do think you should be very clear about where you really do stand when you are asked with a little more substance in your replies to emails.

Bottom line, Payton seems to share my stance on more issues and I more closely identify with him.

I’ve known you more years than not, and I do think you’re a heck of a nice guy. I also think most will agree that election time and politics are annoying. That said, I care about the future my children have to live in, so I have to pay attention and use my vote and voice to make it what I think it should be.