May 05, 2024

Digs at Chaz Allen unfounded

Cindy Lindstrom


First let me start off by saying that I do not like all the mudslinging that goes on in the political ads. One sure way to lose votes is to put down the other candidate. That being said I want to address the ad putting down Chaz Allen. It starts saying that he created the highest taxes the city of Newton has ever seen. That is completely false. I moved here in 1987 and the taxes at that time, were the highest in the state for a town our size. Chaz had nothing to do with it. And Chaz can’t vote in whether to increase taxes or not. Mayors don’t decide that or vote. This town has always catered to the Maytag upper echelon. Now we are stuck paying those exorbitant fees.

Second, Maytag didn’t PULL out. They were run into the ground, sold and forced to close their doors. This also had nothing to do with Chaz. Check out the facts. This was brought to fruition by the board of directors and their hatchet man.

And since Crystal is such an excellent job creator, why didn’t she try to keep Maytag? Where has she been for the last seven years as businesses went out and shuttered their doors? She could have run for Board of Supervisors and had ALL kind of suggestions for job creations. But no, nothing. Chaz was instrumental in bringing in TPI and Trinity. They are excellent businesses but do not employ anywhere near the number who lost their job when Maytag closed.

So, I am certainly not telling anyone how to vote, but it seems if she is as good as she proclaims, then she should have been busy bringing new jobs into Newton. Putting someone else down, whether the reasons are true or false, is wrong. So this November, I will be casting my vote for Chaz Allen.

And you know, I haven’t heard a single bad word about Crystal from Chaz. Just goes to show you what a class act he is and why he deserves to be elected.