September 20, 2024

Send Kelley back to the Capitol

I agree with several writers that Rep. Dan Kelley is a nice guy and cares about the people he represents. I would like the voters of District 29 to also understand that Dan Kelley is a fighter.

I am a cancer survivor and a volunteer for several cancer organizations. Whenever I spoke with Dan at the Capitol, it was obvious that he cares deeply about making life better for all cancer survivors.

Dan was a founding member of the bi-partisan Cancer Caucus. He fought to get much needed funding for cancer research at the University of Iowa. Dan helps to organize the Jasper County Relay for Life which provides funding for research and support for cancer patients.

Dan especially understands the dangers of addiction to nicotine, so he continues to fight for programs and policy that will prevent our youth from ever starting to smoke. He introduced the first e-cigarette bill that would help with this. But Big Tobacco stepped in and wrote their own bill. When this bill made its way to the House floor, Dan was one of a few representatives that stood up to vote against it. He understands that letting Big Tobacco make the rules would be like allowing the fox to guard the hen house.

I hope when you vote in the coming election, you will send Dan Kelley back to the Capitol to continue the fight against cancer.