April 28, 2024

Kelley speaks out in voters’ best interest

To the editor,

One of the main componets of my job is to find speakers, musicians, authors, artists and so forth as entertainment for our residents.

This week we had the privilege of having our very own Iowa State Representative Dan Kelley speak to us. Unfortunately, I had to leave early for a doctor's appointment, but I was able to hear some of what Dan had to share.
 I am unashamedly, politically challenged, to say the least. So, thank you Dan for putting into words, and sharing of your stances on issues that will effect us all, such as marijuana, and immigration to name only a couple. I fail to watch much news these days as I get very tired of all the same old" rhetoric where politics is concerned.

As I grow older I realize in order to make a difference in our world, it's important to first start with ourselves, and then prepare to change the world! Also, if we don't want the same old, same old, then let's get involved and take the road less traveled, and maybe if we are lucky, others might just follow.
 I think Dan does give a hoot about this old state we live in, and is not afraid to speak
out against which he considers to be in our best interests, as voters.
 So, if you see Dan on the street, in a restaurant, or pumping gas, please don't be afraid to start up a conversation with him, or ask him anything. You can be reassured that I'm pretty sure he puts his pants on the same way we all do, and will be happy to answer any questions.

Lisa Blommers
