May 03, 2024

EPC rules could help improve Iowa’s water quality

To the editor,

Like many Iowans, my grandparents and parents were farmers, and they taught me to value healthy soil and a healthy habitat for wildlife. Growing up in Iowa, I enjoyed the simple pleasures of wading in creeks, watching wildlife and eating fish from the rivers.

However, no 628 waterways are polluted because of agricultural run-off. Two of the most polluted rivers, the Des Moines and the Raccoon, provide drinking water for more than 500,00 people and nitrates must be removed to make it safe to drink.

On Aug. 19, the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) will vote on new rules to improve Iowa’s water quality. With the increase of the number of impaired waterways, strong regulations are essential to make Iowa’s water clean for drinking and for recreational activities. The EPC can clean up Iowa’s water by issuing clean water permits to all polluters, by shutting down polluters after three violations and by creating an online database for inspections, permits and manure spills.

Iowans across the state are calling on the EPC to do the right thing. If you want to help bring back an Iowa where we can all enjoy clean water, visit to ask the EPC to strengthen the rule.

Barbara Lang

Des Moines