May 04, 2024

Dietitian to help parents get in the back-to-school routine

Newton Hy-Vee’s registered dietitian Emily Ring will be leading a class titled “Pack a Healthy Lunch” at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 31, in the Newton Hy-Vee Club Room.

Participants will learn about healthy lunch options, how to keep packed lunches safe, and how to pack a nutritious lunch on a time and financial budget. With back-to-school season right around the corner, the class will be beneficial for parents and helpful for individuals who pack their lunches for work every day. The cost to attend is $5. Children age 8 and older who pack their own lunches are encouraged to attend for free with a parent. Registration at the Newton Hy-Vee Customer Service counter or (641) 792-7030.

“Eating a well-balanced lunch is one of the best things we can do to stay focused throughout the day and avoid the afternoon slump. This is important for kids at school and adults at work, so this class provides the perfect opportunity for everyone to start a healthy routine,” Ring said.

Hy-Vee and their registered dietitians are committed to making lives easier, healthier and happier. The Newton Hy-Vee dietitians offer a variety of classes and in-store programs each month. Events can be found at or on Facebook at