May 01, 2024

Eagles defeat Warriors

NORWALK — Pella Chrisitan’s Eagles recorded their 11th win in their last 14 matches on Tuesday. They defeated host Norwalk 25-19, 25-16, 25-15 in Little Hawkeye Conference play.

The Eagles’ win over the Warriors put them at 2-3 in conference play and 13-13 overall.

Becca Gritters delivered 14 kills and two assisted blocks at the net. She also went 16-of-18 serving with two aces. Hannah Beltman had six kills, one solo block and two assisted blocks. Christa Veenstra had four kills, two assisted blocks and one solo block.

Veenstra was a stalwart at the serving line, 19-of-20, and had one ace serve. Lauren Jungling was 11-of-11 serving with one ace, plus had 18 set assists and 10 digs. Laura Nicholson put up one solo block and five assisted blocks.

Alyssa Starkey came up with 21 digs, and served two aces. Logan De Graaf had 14 digs.