May 01, 2024

Jolly Workers 4-H Club receives ‘Seed’ grant

AMES — Twenty-nine Iowa 4-H clubs, including the Jasper County Jolly Workers 4-H Club, have been awarded DuPont Pioneer Rural Community Improvement “Seed” grants totaling nearly $10,000.

The grants, ranging from $50 to $500 per chapter, will be used to “seed” community improvement projects implemented by local 4-H chapters.

“The DuPont Pioneer grant program allows young people interested in food and agriculture to make a positive difference in their communities while learning valuable life skills,” said Kris Fish Kuhlman, executive director of the Iowa 4-H Foundation. “These grants give 4-H’ers a sense of appreciation for the communities where they live, and empowerment to make a difference where they find a need.”

The Jasper County Jolly Workers 4-H Club will use the funds to provide comfort items to children admitted to Skiff Medical Center.

Pioneer supports annual grants to encourage local 4-H clubs in Iowa to coordinate and participate in service activities and projects that benefit their communities. The grant money is used to cover the cost of labor, expertise and materials needed to complete improvement plans.

“Agriculture’s greatest asset is developing youth with leadership and a vision to influence the future,” said Rob Vincent, farm manager coordinator for DuPont Pioneer and Iowa 4-H Foundation board member. “The community grant program is an opportunity to develop these skills while making a difference on a local level.”

“Service-learning through 4-H Youth Development takes community service or volunteer projects to the next level by empowering youth to identify needs in their community, creating a more meaningful experience for youth,” said Brenda Allen, 4-H youth development specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach. “Through service-learning, youth develop leadership skills and learn that they can make a difference in their communities.”

For more information on DuPont Pioneer Rural Community Improvement "Seed" grants, visit