April 29, 2024

Club Notes

Chapter K-EN T.T.T.

Chapter K-EN T.T.T. held its monthly meeting at Aurora Heights Park Sept. 10.  The evening began with a potluck picnic hosted by Marsha Berndt and Kay Parsons.  Following the meal the camp girls in attendance reported on their experiences at camp.

President Rose Evans called the business meeting to order at 7 p.m Reports were given, and correspondence from the state and national offices was read. A thank-you letter from The Salvation Army was shared for the recent cash donation from the group.

Nancy Mott gave a report on the camp girl activities and financial expenditures.  The chapter also received an Award of Merit for work done on behalf of the national camping project.

The chapter started planning for the fall fundraiser, the sale of cheese balls. Kay Parsons is checking on a possible fair this fall for advance sales. Jane Johnson reported on the new “Connect” website for non-profit groups in the community sponsored by the United Way. Rose Evans is going to follow up on that idea.

The meeting adjourned. Next month the group will meet at Val McKee’s home.