May 04, 2024

Kudos to Kate for great tribute to friend

To the editor:

A “good” article grabs your attention with its headline and/or introduction.

A “great” article puts you in the moment. It stirs your emotions, puts you back in time, your mind quickly drifts back to sights, smells, sounds, etc.

This is exactly what Kate Malott accomplished with her article about Hy-Vee West.  Reading it, you put yourself back in Hy-Vee West, walking the aisles, remembering some of the employees, seeing exactly what Kate is describing.

You’re thinking of all of the complaints that were heard when Hy-Vee made the decision to close the store.

Suddenly you realize this really isn’t a story about the store’s closing. It’s a tribute to a time in a young girl’s life, affected by many people, co-workers and customers.

Then your emotions are truly stirred when you find that it is a tribute to a former co-worker whose life was way to short, whom Kate considered not only a co-worker but a friend.

Personally, I would like to thank Kate for her article, and just say “Good job” Kate.  Keep up the good work, it is apprectiated.

Kathy Richardson
