May 01, 2024

School is back in session, keep an eye out for kids

To the editor:

As summer is coming to an end the start of another school year begins. This means there will be kids walking and bicycling to school, at times when you haven’t seen them.

Also there will be school buses on the roadways. These buses will be stopping at several locations to pick kids up.

The yellow flashing lights mean to slow down and be prepared to stop. Iowa law requires you to stop when the red flashing lights are flashing and the stop arm is out. If you fail to stop the bus driver can report the vehicle.

The owner of the vehicle can be ticketed, and the ticket requires a court appearance. You need to stop a safe distance from the bus to allow the children to get on or off the bus safely.

Please help us to ensure the safety of all the children in the state of Iowa.

Doug Cutts

Iowa State Patrol