May 02, 2024

Cutts urges safety during RAGBRAI visit to county

The Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa will travel through southern Jasper County as it passes through Monroe Wednesday morning.

Senior Trooper Doug Cutts, safety education officer with the Iowa State Patrol, urged motorists to use caution during the RAGBRAI visit. He also reminded motorists to plan for travel delays, particularly along Iowa highways 14 and 163.

“The bicycles will be coming from Runnells along county road F70 into Monroe,” he said. “Support vehicles will be coming into Monroe also, but using Highway 163, exiting at old Highway 163 (Exit 25). The bicycles will then exit Monroe southbound on Highway 14 to Knoxville.”

Knoxville is the overnight stop Wednesday night. Cutts also had advice for those who want to drive out to see the more than 20,000 bicyclists riding that day.

“If people want to go and watch the bicycles, it is recommended not to park near intersections,” he said. “Officers will ask them to move their vehicle.”

Cutts also reminded everyone that all roadways will remain open for regular traffic, as well as the bicycles.

“Anywhere along the route drivers can expect very heavy bicycle traffic,” he said. “Drivers can expect heavy bicycle traffic on Highway 14. There will be traffic delays. If at all possible, avoid this area. If drivers can avoid the bicycle route they will be able to get to work and home quicker.”