May 04, 2024

FFA competes at state conference

The Newton FFA Chapter attended the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference on April 22 and 23 in Ames and competed in various events. The Program of Activities Team — consisting of Ellie Rethmeier, Josie Jacobs and Lizzie Stock — received a silver ranking and placed seventh. The Farm Business Management Team — including Taylor Graff, Koby Hull, John Miller and Collin Reynolds — also received a silver ranking and placed 29. Two members competed in the individual contest of Greenhand Quiz, with Jacob Smith receiving a gold ranking and Troy Daehler receiving a silver ranking. Ben Fox and Collin Reynolds received their Iowa FFA Degrees, which is the highest degree the state can bestow on a member. The chapter also was recognized with a silver ranking in the National Chapter Award competition and listened to many keynote speakers during the general sessions, learning about positive attitudes, reaching goals and never giving up.