May 01, 2024

Sacred Heart to host Lenten Fish Fry dinners

The Msgr. TJ McCann Council #2663 of the Knights of Columbus will again be hosting its Fish Fry dinners during Lent at McCann Center, located adjacent to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 1115 S 8th Ave. East.

The first of these meals will be held on Friday, Feb. 15 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The fish fry dinners will be offered each Friday through March 22.  The public is invited to enjoy the friendly environment, featuring both baked and fried fish.

The cost for senior meals is $7, adults $7.50, and $3 for children ages seven and younger.  The meal menu includes a baked potato with toppings, vegetable and roll. with homemade desserts available from the Sacred Heart youth group for a good-will offering.