May 02, 2024

There is more to be told about Planned Parenthood’s story

To the editor:

I applaud your front page story covering Roe Vs. Wade.  However, there are some facts regarding Planned Parenthood that I would like to point out.

Planned Parenthood would like to have us believe that their services are geared more to reproductive health than abortion.  This is an outright falsehood.  Planned Parenthood’s biggest money maker is from abortions.

Here are some statistics that point to how abortion is really their mainstay.

Since 1970, Planned Parenthood personnel have aborted over 5,300,000 children.  That is equal to the entire population of Colorado.

In 2009, 97.6 percent of Planned Parenthood’s “services” for pregnant women involved their killing of children, and only 2.4 percent involved prenatal care or adoption referral.

A total of 55,772,015 abortions have been performed since 1970; 3820 abortions per day; 116,191 each and every month in all 50 states of the U.S.

Women who’ve had an abortion have a 138% higher risk of mental health problems compared to women who’ve given birth, according to a 2011 article in the British Journal of Psychiarty that analyzed 22 major studies on women’s mental health following abortion.  Together, the studies involved over 800,000 women.

Our lack of respect for the unborn shows how far society has gone in its lack of respect for  all life.  It shows itself in the number of horrific killings that have occured in our country.

If we don’t protect the most vulnerable than who is going to protect the aged, who are also vulnerable.?  They will be next.  Already two states have legalized doctor-assisted sucides.

Respect for life begins with the unborn and covers the aged, the disabled, mentally challenged and anyone unable to speak for themselves.

Those who are most vulnerable.

Gloria Welp
