May 05, 2024

GOP pushing for plutocratic America

To the editor:

In the movie “Wall Street,” the character Gordon Gekko proclaims, “I don’t create, I own.” ConAgra just announced they won a 20 month takeover fight to acquire Ralcorp to make ConAgra the largest private-label food manufacturer in the country.

No creation, just greater ownership.

While the republicans try to tell you this country is turning socialistic, this example shows we are turning plutocratic. That 47 percent Mitt claimed lived off the government will someday be the 99 percenters because the corporate elite will own and run the government.

How? Via the billions spent on elections, a good percentage spent by Super-PACs. The billions spent by democrats will lose to the billions spent by the Republicans who defend the super rich plutocrats.

Though the Republicans proclaim ‘opportunity, not guaranty’ they protect the plutocrats who currently hold us hostage with their trillion dollars in their pocket waiting for guarantees from the government.

“We can’t invest unless...”

Yet, corporations continue to spend to own. Republicans will defend that accumulated wealth to the bitter plutocratic end.

Stuart Allspach
