May 02, 2024

Obama’s campaign hits an all new low

To the editor:

Just when you think the campaign ads can’t get any worse, the Obama campaign has hit  a new low.

One particular ad has come out featuring children singing about the destruction Romney would bring to the Nation if elected. As the song goes, he would just let sick people “die” and continues on blaming their parents for voting for Romney.

Using impressionable children to spread hateful propaganda for policitical gain is despictable and shows desperation in the candidate allowing such be done in his name.

Another ad, showing how classless the liberals have become, portrays an elderly man and woman using filthy language to talk about how much they “hate” Gov. Romney. How many elderly men and women want to be portrayed in that manner?

Thankfully, it is just a few days until we will know if America is impressed with this kind of campaigning. I hope not. It does not set a very good example for the future of this country.

Gloria Welp
