May 05, 2024

Keep in mind these points when you vote

To the editor:

In the Tuesday, Oct. 23, issue of the Newton Daily News, I read with interest a summary of each of the debates and would like to make the following observations.

Supervisor Denny Stevenson stated, “We’ve done good things the last four years. We’ve lowered taxes and the levy rate.” However, there was no mention that the Board of Supervisors used $1.2 million from county reserves to make budget for the current fiscal year.

I cannot speak for other taxpayers in the county, but my taxes continue to increase. At a recent meeting of about 25 taxpayers, not one person indicated that their taxes had been lowered.

It is important to note that in 2011, Steve Hoffman generated approximately $1 million for Marshall County by housing federal prisoners, which the federal government provides payment, and also, Hoffman charged area prisoners for their time spent in incarceration. For comparison purposes, Jasper County generated approximately $6,000 during the year 2011.

Since I heard conflicting stories about Dan Kelley’s position to have legislators pay a portion of their health care premium, I called him. He stated that he has supported legislation to have all legislators pay a portion of the premium. However, when asked by the governor to voluntarily pay a portion ($200 per month), Dan declined.

When you go to the polls to cast your ballot, keep in mind the above information. Jasper County needs elected officials who, at all times, will find ways to do more with less and provide much needed relief for Jasper County taxpayers.

Bill Ward
