May 03, 2024

Cancer survivor: Think before you pink

To the editor:

Another Race for the Cure! I think the pink in our community has become outrageous.

The cancer industry has been collecting funds since 1913 and even President Nixon, in his 1971 State of the Union address, requested 100 million taxpayer dollars to be added to the National Cancer Institute’s budget for the war on cancer.

Contrary to popular belief, there are some people who can live with their cancer, by changing habits and upping their nutrition, or taking conventional treatment along with super nutrition, giving them many more years, so I and others are wondering if it is the treatment or the cancer that is killing or crippling so many people?

As one who has cancer, I would like to read my newspaper, attend other public events as fairs, ballgames and even grocery shopping, etc. without being reminded of my condition or the loss of my daughter-in-law. Think before you pink.

Norma Borchert
