May 03, 2024

Our nation doesn’t need another four years of Obama

To the editor:

What do we know about the past four years with Barack Obama as president?

Barack Obama came into office without being vetted by the mainstream news media. Four years later, we are paying the price for this lack of information about a man who was raised by his Communist grandparents and mentored by a known Communist, Frank Marshall Davis.

When he said that he was going to “fundamentally transform America,” most Americans didn’t know that he was going to essentially transform us into a European-style socialist state with exorbitant debt. We didn’t know that the Federal Reserve, in order to adjust for his economic errors, would print money like there’s no tomorrow, and that our food and gas prices would continue to climb with the resulting inflation.

When he said that “electricity would necessarily skyrocket” under his administration, we didn’t know that electric costs would be projected at 800 percent of today’s prices for the year 2015 as he forces the closing of coal mines and electric plants. How many people can afford to pay eight times their current electric bills?

Median household income in March of 2012 was down $4,300 since Obama took office in January of 2009. How do you pay for higher food, gas and electricity — the basic necessities of life — when your money is worth less and less?

Small businesses and corporations alike are at a standstill because of the threat of Obamacare and additional regulations. Obamacare was to reduce our premiums by $2,500 per family. Instead, our premiums have gone up $2,500. He promised that the 10-year cost of Obamacare would be $900 billion to the taxpayers. The Congressional Budget Office has now estimated that Obamacare will cost $2.6 trillion dollars in its first decade.

Obama said we could keep our doctor and our current insurance if we wanted to. Tell that to the people who have already lost their insurance as their insurer stopped selling health insurance, their doctor has decided not to accept any more Medicare patients, or their doctor has decided to retire rather than give poor care to an overwhelming number of patients.

In regard to over-regulation, many small businesses have closed because they could not afford the cost of added regulations. And, with those closings, we have lost a staggering number of jobs.

Our current president doesn’t understand economics and hasn’t worked in the private sector — never having had to meet a payroll. It appears he is not comfortable making decisions or compromises and only does so for his own political expediency.  He passes the buck to his underlings or blames Congress and is constantly throwing his high level cabinet leaders and/or entire departments of the government “under the bus.”

He is happy to spend “our” money funding his political cronies’ pet projects and is great at picking “losers” such as Solyndra and many other green companies. He also appears to be rather selfish, as shown by his not campaigning for hardly any other Democratic candidates. Or could it be that they don’t want his help?

As Nov. 6 approaches, our country is at a turning point. We can choose to have more of what we have experienced in the last four years with Barack Obama and move further toward national bankruptcy — which will affect every American and countless billions around the world.  Or, we can move ahead with a proven leader, Mitt Romney.

I am voting for Mitt Romney, the man who has the character, vision, experience, leadership and drive to restore our country to greatness.

Dianne Glenney
