May 02, 2024

Former non-profit director endorses Hoffman for Sheriff

To the editor:

Many things about Steve Hoffman impress me, but in particular these would make him a great Sheriff for Jasper County: the way he treats everyone with respect and courtesy, his management abilities, and his communications skills.

I won’t use the name of the non-profit organization that I directed for 20 years, because it of course endorses nothing political, but I have seen Steve use these skills as our local Board Chair. Through many changes, Steve has continued in that leadership role, working to keep a strong volunteer-based disaster relief organization for this five-county area.  Steve excelled in the Public Affairs communications training that I taught.  Speaking to the media in a clear, calm and succinct way is an essential skill for a Sheriff.

When Steve conducted meetings, he did it efficiently and with a goal of getting input from the entire group.  Not only does he treat his law enforcement employees with respect, he demands that they treat everyone they encounter professionally with that same courtesy and respect. And I have seen how he models that behavior himself, combining a tough professional manner with genuine courtesy that shows he understand that each person has value, no matter what their current situation.  Steve always spoke with pride of his Jasper County background, and I am confident that he would make an outstanding Jasper County Sheriff.

Mary Dooley
