April 25, 2024

Club News

Sunbonnet Questers

The June 14 meeting of Sunbonnet Questers was at the home of Nancy Egnozzi with 10 members present. Roll call was answered with memories of summer activities from vacations to games played and relatives visited.

President Susan Grigsby called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved as corrected. Treasurer Judy Swenson gave the Treasurer’s report. Susan thanked Nancy for opening her home to us for the evening.

The meeting we attended at the invitation of Spirit of ‘76 Chapter was enjoyed by the six members who attended. President Suzanne Ross Clayton gave a program on Redwing Pottery that was very interesting. Inviting them to join us was discussed and a date is being looked at for that to happen.

Road trips for this summer were discussed. The Des Moines trip will be a visit to the Better Homes & Gardens garden and the Sculpture garden with lunch at the Americana. The Oskaloosa trip will include lunch at Tassel Ridge winery, antiques, Jarsma’s, and a heritage farm if possible. Meeting dates were discussed as so many are gone over the winter. Lois moved to meet in July and August instead of March beginning in the 2018-19 year. The theme for next year will be Holidays.

Strict adherence to Roberts Rules was discussed and although structure is necessary the form will be casual.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. followed by dessert and the program.

The program for the evening was presented by Susan Grigsby and was the history of Nancy’s home and the house to the west of it. She titled her presentation “The Remarkable Women of Lot 70.” Susan told us about the women who resided in these homes.