April 26, 2024

Club News

Sunbonnet Questers

Sunbonnet Questers met Nov. 9 at the home of Dorothy Raymond with 11 members present. President Susan Grigsby conducted the business meeting. For roll call, members shared stories of their favorite subjects in school. This part of the evening always helps in getting to know each of our members better.

Susan reported on the State Questers meeting — the Fall Fling — Oct. 6-7 in Indianola and Carlisle. It was an interesting event highlighted by a tour of Randelman House in Carlisle Friday evening. The business meeting Saturday in Indianola was followed by a delightful program entitled “Woodstock Revisited” reminiscing about the music festival held for three days in August 1969, on a dairy farm in Bethel, N.Y.

The group was reminded of our agreement to decorate the 1930s living and dining rooms at the Jasper County Museum for the Christmas Open House Dec. 2-3. Members will meet at the museum at 1 p.m. Nov. 20 to share in the decorating.

Member Jeannette Shannon presented this evening’s program on Sears Catalog Homes.

The next meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 14 at the home of Judy Swenson. Members are to bring an appetizer to share for this annual Christmas party, and our chapter’s charitable donation will be decided.