May 08, 2024

Payton ready for Iowa House

Aaron Gunsaulus


I had a nice conversation the other day with a gentleman who is running to be the next state representative for Jasper County — Patrick Payton. I had met him before, but had never had a chance to sit down with him over coffee to talk about the issues, about what makes him tick and about why he is running for office. Here are just a few of the things I learned about Patrick:

Patrick has lived in Newton with his wife and family for more than 21 years, he is a man of conviction and character and he is a devoted husband and father. It was clear that he is keenly aware of the challenges facing future generations, and cares deeply about the legacy we leave to them.

Patrick has a tremendous grasp of the fact that we are endowed by our creator, not by our government, with certain unalienable rights. I am confident that he will fight to preserve these rights, and to keep government in its proper role.

In addition to these things, it was obvious that Patrick has a great deal of knowledge and experience in the areas of education and business. As our state representative, this knowledge and experience would prove to be a valuable asset for the schools, businesses, workers and citizens of Jasper County.

I could say more concerning what I learned about Patrick’s qualifications, but the point is this: Patrick Payton has the convictions and the experience that we’re looking for in a state representative. A vote for Patrick Payton on Nov. 4 is a vote for Jasper County.