May 01, 2024

New look, better drainage for curb south of Skiff

For nearly a month crews have been working on reshaping the street as well as making the curbs more aesthetically pleasing on North Fourth Avenue East from First Street to East Fourth Street. When complete, the south curb line will match the north curb line and rain water will flow more directly to the storm drains, instead of pooling.

“To correct the drainage problem, we’re crowning the street and the south curb line is moving north about six feet and that will allow for a grass strip between the curb and the sidewalk,” said Keith Laube, Public Works director.

The street was in a “W” shape and has parallel parking along both the north and south sides of the street. When it rained, people that were parking there would often times have to step in large pools of water when exiting their car.

“(The city is ) reshaping it so the water drains from the center of the street to the curb. We did a little bit with the linement so the water drains to the storm intakes as well. (We) added a little more slope where we could in the street so water would go east or west to storm intakes,” Laube said.

The south curb is also getting a makeover to match the downtown streetscape. Previously, there was no grass between the curb and the sidewalk but after construction is complete, it will match the north curb. Also, the city is adding the same decorative street lights that line the downtown district.

There are 40 working days scheduled to complete the project, not including any rain days that may occur. The project billed out at $445,662, with funds coming from the north central TIF district. The beginning of the project was putting down an overlay in front of DMACC and with the completion by Manatts, the general contractor on the job, the city will have no other street projects in the works.

Contact Staff Writer Jamee A. Pierson at (641) 792-3121 ext. 6534 or