April 18, 2024

Receive email alerts about library materials

Email Alerts

Would you like to receive an email alert that your materials are coming due in three days?

Add your email address now to your library account record to start receiving email alerts after May 1. In the library catalog, go to “My Account” and choose “Email Change Request.” Type in your email next to “New Email Address” and your library card number (no spaces) next to “My ID” and click on “Send.” The requested change will be made by a staff person the following day.

Then, starting May 1, you will receive email alerts at the email address you gave us to let you know you have materials needing to be returned in the next three days to avoid overdue fines. Alerts will not include three-day DVDs. Also, you can remotely request a change to your address or phone number, and we’ll update your account the next day. So, what’s coming next? Look for the option to renew materials yourself remotely 24/7 to be added very soon.

World Book Night, April 23

The library is proud to be one of 2,300 bookstores and libraries across America supporting World Book Night 2014.

On April 23, 25,000 volunteers from Kodiak to Key West will give away half a million free books in more than 6,000 towns and cities across America. The Newton Public Library will be hosting six givers from the surrounding area who will be giving away books.

The library serves as a community base for local givers, receiving the books that they will be giving out and providing useful resources. World Book Night is a great night to come to the library and check out reading materials or read as a family.

Chick Flick & Lit.: ‘10 Things

I Hate About You’

On Thursday, April 24, we will be showing “10 Things I Hate About You” in the library meeting room at 6 p.m. Did you know this movie was an adaptation of “Taming of the Shrew” by Shakespeare? If you haven’t seen this movie, it is a must!

Synopsis: A new kid must find a guy to date the meanest girl in school, the older sister of the girl he has a crush on, who cannot date until her older sister does.

Adult Crafts

On Monday, April 28, we will have a double craft in the library meeting room starting at 6 p.m.

The first craft includes making hanging wreaths, hearts and stars out of puzzle pieces. The second craft includes spring cleaning and making your own home versions of Windex and various other cleaning solutions. Stay for one craft or stay for both, but please register by calling the information desk at (641) 792-4108.

Read Your Magazines

Online from Home

Full magazines are now offered through the Ebsco database that is available through the library’s catalog. Stop in to the library and ask at the information desk for the log-in and password to read magazines from your very own home!

Get to Know Newton

T-Shirts for Sale

Purchase your own Get to Know Newton T-shirt at the library circulation desk. T-shirts are $15 each and are available in a variety of sizes.

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NewtonPublicLibraryIowa or on Twitter @NewtonPubLib. Find out what is happening at the library besides our programs!