April 19, 2024

One more thing the government does to take American Natives down

To the editor:

Idle No More has its hands full now. The sale of “Wounded Knee.” How in the world can they stoop so low? But why should we be so surprised? Everything else we have has been taken from us.

If you want more, please visit this website:  http://bit.ly/New-battle-for-Wounded-Knee-sale-of-massacre-site-exposes-tribal-tensions-Videos. 

This is a very holy place for Native Americans and a symbol. We have never gave an inch to recognize their symbolism in life or liberties to this race but I bet we all have or know someone who has some blood running in their veins.

I am one-quarter Cherokee and my husband has Chief Keokuk’s blood in his veins. We are proud of it.

We just want to honor and preserve what little we have of the real first Americans that walked this great earth. According to top archaeologists, they have been here more than 10,000 years.

Sheri Pherigo
