April 23, 2024

Dates set for Berg, TJ Kindergarten round-up

Kindergarten Round-up provides an opportunity for teachers and staff members to become acquainted with the children before they start school in August. It is also a chance for the children to experience for the first time a few of the routines associated with school.

Kindergarten Round-up registration forms will be available at the district website at www.newton.k12.ia.us or at your Kindergarten attendance center.

Additional information about Kindergarten Roundup will be provided at parent meetings scheduled at Berg Elementary and Thomas Jefferson schools. Parents may contact their kindergarten attendance centers for more information about the parent meetings.

Parent meeting times are as follows:

Berg Elementary: 6 p.m., March 11; Thomas Jefferson: 6 p.m., March 14.

Actual Kindergarten Round-up dates are April 10 and 11 for both schools.

Teachers will be available for conferences only on the afternoon of April 17.

Please return all forms to your kindergarten attendance center so we can provide you with more information on parent night.

For for information, contact Berg Elementary at (641)-792-7742 or Thomas Jefferson at (641-792-2498).