April 25, 2024

Obama believes in economy where everyone has fair shot

To the editor:

Mitt Romney has been deliberately twisting President Obama’s words around to falsely suggest that the President doesn’t value small businesses that built this country. I am appalled by these distortions.

President Obama believes the drive and ingenuity of our entrepreneurs and workers make American businesses successful. He has been very clear about that.

President Obama knows we need to keep betting on American workers and American ingenuity, but Mr. Romney disagrees. His plan would gut infrastructure investments so he can give more tax breaks to millionaires like himself and companies that ship jobs overseas. He thinks it’s the best way to grow our economy and help small businesses, but he’s flat-out wrong.

President Obama knows we can’t cut our way to prosperity. We didn’t build this country on our own — we built it together — and Romney doesn’t understand what it takes to build an economy where everyone has a fair shot.

Kevin Baumhover

Des Moines