May 08, 2024

Are we focused on what is important this election?

To the editor:

On his October 6 show, Dave Letterman suggested that Romney was a “felon” for failure to pay income taxes, even though tax returns have been released, which seems to be so important to 6 percent of the American people who want to see these income tax returns.

The other 94 percent of us are more interested in the economy and things that are of vital importance to our country. Because Obama looked so bad in his debate performance, the liberals are trying every name calling device they can to paint Romney as a “liar,” “felon” and whatever they can think of, when in fact their candidate is so coddled in the liberal mainstream media and cannot function without a teleprompter.

Millions of campaign dollars are being spent on  extremely negative and name calling advertising since the debate by the Obama camp.

The fact that President Obama was appearing on  “The David Letterman’ Show,”  “The Pimp with a Limp”,  and “The View”  and doing a fundraiser in Las Vegas  when our consulate was being attacked on 9/11 and the Prime Minister of Israel wanted to meet with him, shows what we Americans should really be worried about and it certainly is not Gov. Romney’s tax returns.  The mainstream media is so desperate they can only sling mud at any opponent against their candidate.

Gloria Welp
