May 01, 2024

Why did Reid blast someone of his own religious faith?

To the editor:

After hearing Sen. Harry Reid blast one of his own faith, I am left wondering what he is trying to do?

The past two years, Reid has failed to consider any legislation coming out of the House and when his party was running the show, they pushed their agenda through behind closed doors on their own.

He needs to point the finger at himself. I haven’t seen any proof of his faith. Until this election, I was not aware that he was a Mormon.

I believe Gov. Romney has a strong faith and practices it and though his faith is far removed from my own, he believes in God and is not afraid to use God’s name when speaking.

For a political party that failed to put God in their platform and it took three tries to reinstate God, over much opposition, I doubt Sen. Reid has much on which to stand.

Gloria Welp
